Farewell to Titanius in El Orzán
Last Saturday, the farewell tribute to Titanius was held in El Orzán, with a meeting at the Fuente de los Surfistas and a floral offering in the water.
Tito "Titanius", was the architect, together with Rufo, of the creation of the first Galician tables.
Coruña was the first surfing center in Galicia. There a small group of pioneers began to surf for various reasons: some came from abroad, such as Pepe (who would found "Okena" the first Galician surf shop in A Coruña) or Borja, both from the Basque Country; Luis Bericua of Asturias. Others from there such as Vari Caramés, Tito, Rufo, Carlos Bremón (who would later settle in Ferrol where he opened the surf shop “Aqua Surf”), Chicho Torreiro a little later, etc… p>